Dr. Rydland's Adult & Childrens Eye Wash Formula
Uses for Dr. Rydland’s Eye Wash Formula include*:
• Conjunctivitis or “pink eye”
• Eye irritation
• Allergic eye conditions
• Irritation from contact lenses
• Eye fatigue
The Eye Wash Formula MUST be first evaporated by placing the tincture into hot water and then cooling to room temperature. For external use only.
For children over one month old through adult, mix 5 droppersfull in 8 ounces of very hot water. Cool to room temperature. Make up fresh daily. Place several drops of this solution in each eye until thoroughly rinsed, 4 or more times daily. After eyes clear up, continue for 2 more days.
Eye Wash Formula is preserved in alcohol and therefore must be placed in hot water and cooled to make a tea to evaporate off the alcohol before use.
KidsWellness™ Eye Wash Formula uses ONLY certified organic and wild crafted herbs, fully extracted for weeks with an alcohol/water mixture by a unique process. The alcohol in the Eye Wash Formula preserves the herbal preparation and, when evaporated as directed makes a tea
to be applied directly onto the conjunctiva (eye surface).
GMO-free--no genetically modified products. All KidsWellness™ meet stringent GMP standards.
kidsWellness™ herbal formulas are developed by a pediatrician through 24 years of working with thousands of children in his practice. They are easy to give as the number of drops by weight for each dose are clearly marked on the bottle and are effective for both children and adults. The formulas contain just the right ratio and combination of herbs found effective for the related health concern. To prepare the formula each herb is carefully extracted from only the best part of the herb with food grade alcohol in order to retain the highest potency and to remain in solution and not separate. Once combined, the alcohol is slowly evaporated under carefully controlled conditions in order for the herbs to retain their full potency. Vegetable glycerin is added in order to sweeten them and make them palatable for children to take without complaint. They are then packaged in dark glass containers to retain their potency on their way to you. We realize that this is a time consuming process that is more expensive than others but we believe this is important to deliver the best quality product available.
Selected References:
1. Safayhi, H., et al. Chamazulene: an antioxidant-type inhibitor of leukotriene B4 formation. Planta Medica. 60(5):410-413, 1994.
2. Stuart, M. (editor). The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism. Grosset Dunlap, New York, USA, 1979:189.
3. The Directory of Life Extension Supplements. Life Extension Media. Florida, USA. 2000:150.
4. White, L. E. Nutrition Q&A. Health & Nutrition Breakthroughs. July 1999.
The Eye Wash Formula MUST be first evaporated by placing the tincture into hot water and then cooling to room temperature. For external use only.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease.